Jack Butler Jack is the founder of funlearningdevices.com, and a full time online marketer who helps people more effectively seek their children's learning experience within a goal-based environment.
What Best Kids Tablet Will Enhance The LeapFrog LeapPad Learning Path?
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When to Introduce Tablets to Kids
Immediately they realize that their hands can do the magic of grasping any object, kids go for anything including electronic devices around them. Some experts will tell you; it is the right time for them to have a toy. At that particular age, when no much care is taken, then you will have to replace your phone screen over and over. But is it age-appropriate for them to have one?
Discover the great idea behind the best learning tech! And what best kid’s tablet will create your child’s’ dynamic & social fun learning experience?
A tablet is a high-tech device with its automatic running system. Through this gadget, the kids can call text, surf, and email; take videos and pictures with fewer limitations. Therefore, the age at which this device should be given to your child is a paramount idea. In this article, a few tips have been exclusively detailed to know when your kids can start benefiting from the technologies.
Wait Until They Reach Preschool Age!
Technology Has Rapidly Evolved To Wipe Away All The Old System of Education!!
The fact that your screen is full of their fingerprint does not guarantee them the readiness to use an electronic device. In fact, the expert’s advice for parents is to wait until the child gets at preschool age. A child under two years old isn’t able to use a tablet correctly.
At a tender age, kids learn better from the interactions they have with the real world. Also, any time spent on the screen by one-year-old kids does not have any developmental impacts on them.
However, at preschool age, which is at two years old and above, these kids have already developed into active media partners. They can learn from the sounds made by the apps on their devices. In fact, the majority of the apps come with strategies to attract their attention.
For instance, repeating an idea, use of child voices rather than adult voices, and presentation by use of attention-seeking pictures and sounds. Build your child’s resilience with the educator-endorsed tech!
Effects of Technology on a Child’s Development
We live in times where you can leave your parental tasks to technology. But, as much as you feel relieved of the burden of going through your kids’ academic and social progress daily, we ask one big question. Does tech affect your child’s development?
Explore different ways of engaging your child!
From the look of things, technology has come with much good. But as with any product, what are the cons of technology?
Many times parents end up hurting their kids by considering only the positive effect of a gift to their kids. But as a parent, much consideration should be on the negative impact of any commodity meant for your child. Because it is only when the negatives are minimized that the product becomes conducive for child use.
Back to the impacts of technology on our kids. Anything a child interacts with will affect their social and emotional abilities – which will in return affect their academics. Let us talk about these effects, both negative and positive.
Positive Impacts of Technology on Children Development
Technology will make them aggressive in their academics. For instance, while playing a particular game on the device, kids tend to be focused on them to get to the top. There is a high chance that the kid will apply the same in their classwork. As they tend to believe that for them to achieve whatever they want, they must be aggressive. Just like in their tablet games.
Tech Improves The Kid’s, Concentration Span. In Class, Only Kids That Pay Attention To What The Teacher Says Have Higher Chances of Remembering It!!
This means, with concentration, classwork is made easier. Therefore, technology improves kid’s attention by creating game apps.
In such games, instructions are given at the beginning of the game. For them to win, they must fully concentrate when guidelines are provided. Strengthen your child’s concentration as they become positive to success.
Negative Impacts of Tech on Kids Development
What will be expected when kids spent their entire day on tablets? With no time to interact with others, kids can learn to be hostile among themselves.
Our parents could let us play with other children in the neighborhood. The fact is, we were only excited about the games we played not knowing how much help it had to our social life. I must say, with the high rate of children using tablets, the coming generation is going to be a focused one where everyone minds his or her engaging activities.
Therefore as parents, we ought to limit the time kids spend on their devices. And create another time for them to play with their friends.
Tech life affects the parent-child relationship. But what best kids tablet will create your child’s’ dynamic & social fun learning experience?
How many times have you bought your kids a device to cater to the lonely time they spend while you were on a trip? Do you leave when they ask an academic question by redirecting them to their tablets?
Setting The Time Limits
Therefore as parents, we ought to limit the time kids spend on their devices. And create another time for them to play with their friends.
When tablets are used in this way, they destroy that good relationship between parents and kids. The kids may start seeing tablets as parents’ excuse not a solution to their learning curves. With that notion in kids, parents may end up losing a portion of their hearts.
Severally I disagree with them. Why? Because they did not eat their meal as they were playing on their tablet. As much as I bought the device for them. However, I have learned to be there for them. Besides, giving them the best tablet for kids, be there for your kids, and watch them advance.
LeapFrog-LeapPad 3, Affordable Fun Learning Tablet, You-Tube Video
Inspire them as you correct them whenever they go wrong. By the way, do you engage your child? Talk with your kids and let them share their fears. Empower the kid to become confident as they make the best decision.
The Role of Parents as Kids Interact With Technology
Parents have a vital role to play in their kid’s life. While kids grow up their needs change, they stop being lulled by tablets and they begin learning from the tech. Which makes it very necessary for close supervision as they go through their studies.
As a parent, how are you controlling your kids’ interaction with technology? With a well-planned system, children can reap big from technology. But with a worrying plan, instead of technology improving them it will destroy them. Therefore, for your kids to benefit from the devices, consider doing the following:
– Choose the best parental control.
As a parent, the term parental control must be a common vocabulary. Not all kids will follow your instructions fully. Most will pick only a few rules they feel they can live under. Help your children make the right move. Kids enjoy seeing you inspire them to do more. Let them enjoy their experience as you supervise their rise. But are your children ready to disrupt their tech advances with parental control?
And what will you do? This is when parental control will shape them into what you wish them to be. Some tablets will come already preloaded with the app. But for other devices, you will have to find it.
Parental control will limit what they access while surfing. The internet is like a market place. Everything is found there because there is a variety of demands. Therefore, it is easy for a kid to access adult apps when their device is not restricted. With parental control, specific websites can be the only ones their devices can reach.
The LeapPad Epic Academy Edition, Amazon.com, (Click Here)
Also, With Parental Control, The Time Spent On The Screen Can Be Controlled. You Won’t Disagree With The Kids Just Because You Have Switched Off The Phone Anymore.
It will come to an end. The parental control can be set into a manner the device goes off at a particular time.
With restricted time spent; kids can have time to sleep which is healthy.
Parental control can restrict them from playing one game over and over. Addiction comes with continuous participation in one game. This means, with the power they will be able to develop all-around by playing different games.
Participate in the kids’ activities while they interact with tablets.
Children need your presence in their studies. That little effort that you make will result in success. Being there for them has a significant effect. There are different ways in which parents can participate.
• Helping them do their homework. Try to spend thirty minutes to guide in answering a few questions in their assignment. With that, kids will feel loved, and they shall work harder to impress you.
• Play with them. Technology has eased things up. You can play football while in your sitting room. Have some time to play any educational game with your kids. It is also wise to let them win. It will boost their self-esteem much.
• Find your kids an educator-approved tablet.
What will determine the success of your kid is the appropriateness of their tablet. How well is the tablet you purchased for them? In the academic world, technology develops daily. Today it is this version tomorrow another one. What makes it difficult to navigate is the rise of some low-quality products manufactured. Therefore, it is essential that you choose the best device with good features for the kids to explore.
Storage capacity. How much information can the device save? Does it have an external storage slot where additional storage can be added?
Storage capacity. How much information can the device save? Does it have an external storage slot where additional storage can be added? That is the first element to find in an effective early learning tablet for kids.
The processor. How fast is the ROM? A good device should process any information faster. Discover the best talent with expert-approved content.
Battery duration. How long does the battery take before it runs empty? The best kid’s tablet has its battery last for over 12 hours once it is fully charged.
GPS receivers. A good tablet must be able to receive information from a wide range of searches. So, what best kids tablet, will create your child’s’ dynamic & social fun learning experience?
The Operating Processors
Antennas. A good device should have strong Wi-Fi and a cellular signal for both sending and receiving. As much as there is no strong internet, the connection is hard to access to any information.
Graphics processor. Every image displayed on the screen is dependent on the graphics processor of the device. So, a good processor will relay complete information to the kid.
Bluetooth chip. For file transfer, a good gadget must have a Bluetooth chip. Here, numerous files can be sent and received without any cost.
Speakers and sound processors. The majority of educational toys depend on audio. With worrying speakers, the sounds will be produced making it difficult for the kid to hear them.
Camera. Life is recorded on a camera. With a camera, your kids can capture every moment of their class or trip. A good camera will give a clear story. Therefore, a tablet should have at least one camera. But where do you find the best tablet for kids?
Conclusion, What Best Kids Tablet, For Your Child’s Fun Learning Experience
Technology is advancing every day. It is ready to take your child high and higher. But are they prepared to gain skills and experience through educative tools? Have you tested their ability to become successful?
This article is another example of our ongoing growth of knowledge that comes with the process of each and every post, this is because of your engagements as well, within our site membership platform, and the comment section.
With that said, it has been nothing short of a true pleasure to articulate this post, for every parent that is sincerely seeking the knowledge to move their child forward within their early learning process, with an educator endorsed fun learning tablet.
Please always feel free to leave your engaging and heartfelt comments below, for the benefit of every viewer, as we all will grow from your knowledge as well, and that definitely includes me.
One of our most valued goals is to return every one of your comments within your timeframe of hopes, as you are the reason that we hear if this does not occur, I am certain we are seeking the most relevant content to give you the answer that you are seeking and most importantly deserve.
Jack is the founder of funlearningdevices.com and a full-time marketer, who helps people move forward with authority with their children's early learning engagement.
18 thoughts on “What Best Kids Tablet Will Enhance The LeapFrog LeapPad Learning Path?”
I am one of the old schoolers, that believe that a child should not access or own any form of electronic gadget until they are fully grown. I used to be of the opinion that they should be bought bikes instead.
But, since I started visiting your blog more often, I have been enlightened on the paramount importance of letting your child own a tablet that aids learning.
Thank you again, Peace, for your great comments within our What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are the mainstream of the ongoing effective development of our site, in so many ways. It has been a true pleasure to have been able to aid you with the most beneficial content on the relevance of fun learning tablets, for our child’s mainstream effective learning platform. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hello Jack, as usual, you have put everything in black and white for any parent to understand. Thanks for the series on kids educative/learning tablets. from your numerous articles, I am on the right track with my daughter with respect to getting her just what she needed to learn in a fun way with her tablet. This piece is not an exception! I learned from it all the necessary features to Create my daughter’s Dynamic & Social Fun Learning Experience.
Thank you again, jaykaynigltd. for your ongoing intervention, and insight within our fun learning devices post, as they are a true asset for our growth in all areas of our site. I really appreciate your ongoing engagement, as you have become a true asset to the elevation of our site, it is also great to hear how beneficial our content has been for your daughters early learning engagment with a fun learning tablet. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I appreciate this informative and thought-provoking piece. Kids differ, so also their awareness, I think at age 4, a child should be able to handle a tablet in a better way compared to when he is 2 and below. Technology stays and parents need to encourage their kids in this line, however, we need n’t fail in our duty to minimize their exposure to the vices that come with tech by enforcing parental control. In addition, tech gadgets like you mentioned should not replace interaction and socialization among kids as the trend is in this age. Kids must be allowed to play and have fun both with their tech gadget and friends.
Thank you again, Tolu, for your very engaging comments within our Fun learning devices blog, as you have become a true asset to the growth of our site in so many different ways. It is always a pleasure Tolu, to hear of your agreements and further insight within our fun learning tablet poets. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
My kids started using tablets around ages 3 and 4 to and have done really well in social circles. They are better at making friends and building strong relationships than many of my family members including me at their ages. Technology is a must in today’s life and being a top social networking personality can open so many doors and those include learning. Thanks for a great post.
Thank you, Andy, For your ever so important comments within our children’s fun learning blog, on the What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are so necessary, for the ongoing development of the ongoing growth of our site. It is so encouraging hearing your testimonies on how social your kids have become, even when they have utilized fun learning tablet’s, obviously they have used them correctly, with your ongoing intervention, that sure beats down, all of the old excuses of the damaging effects these devices will have on our kids social skills. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
It’s a sign of the times and kids now have to grow up being tech savvy. That’s not to say they can’t still spend time playing outdoors too.
We bought our daughter a Leap Pad when she turned four. It was the best investment ever and kept her busy and entertained on long car trips as well as at friends houses when there were no other children to play with. It also taught her a lot and helped get her school ready, as all the games are very educational.
Thank you always, Michel, for your amazing and ongoing intervention within our children’ fun learning devices blog, as followers like you are a true establishment of the growth of our site in so many ways. I am so pleased to hear of your testimony on these LeapPad tablet’s, and how you feel we should handle our children’s time with them. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I really appreciate the great information that this article is relaying to the parents. Yes, I agreed on the fact that We lived in times where you can leave our parental tasks to technology. But, as much as you feel relieved of the burden of going through your kids’ academic and social progress daily, we ask one big question. Does tech affect your child’s development? Of course, the article had actually explained and enlighten us on this. But my opinion is that of all the suggested solutions, I will like that the best kid tablet free internet use should be gotten for our kids at home to caution them from the corruption and social vices on the internet. Thanks, wish to see more of this discussion in articles here.
Thank you always Topazdude, for your ongoing intervention within our children’s fun learning devices blog, as they are the true mainstream of the growth of our site in so many relevant factors. It always a true blessing to hear of your agreements, and suggestions within our learning blog. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I have to agree with you. I have brought up two boys, now both teenagers, in the age of electronic personal devices. It is a fine balancing act to get it right. For most busy parents (myself included) it is easier to give in to the kids and let them be ‘entertained’ and quiet, with their devices.
On the other hand, their social skills are not anywhere close to how I grew up. But, hey! Who am I to say in this new digital age what skills will benefit them the most in their future. I grew up in a different age. With free-reign to read and read and view material that in the past we could veto. It is not so easy to do that now.
I have learned to talk to my boys more and try and guide them as to what is ok and what is not ok to search, read and view online. In the main, they are doing ok.
Thank you, Paul, for your very engaging and important comments within our children’s fun leaning devices post, as they are the paramount foundation of the growth of our site and my personal knowledge. it is always a true pleasure to hear the caliper of comments like these and your personal insight into the benefits of these fun learning tablets. No doubt you have given me a truly effective piece of knowledge. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I really applaud you for this brilliant post I just finished reading , initially I do argue a lot with my friends, on how I won’t expose my kids to use of electronics at an early age, because of my past experience but after reading your article, I realize I have been wrong all this while . Your post has been able to enlighten me more and even change my initial impression towards it. Right now I am ready to give my kids the maximum support I can render as a mother and expose them to the use of these technology appliances that can definitely enhance their academic performance.
Thank you, Labulo, for your very important and engaging comments within our What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are critical for the ongoing development of our children’s fun learning devices blog, in so many different aspects. I am always pleased to hear when parents began to see the lite, with these fun learning tablets when used correctly, and when we are engaging them, for their most relevant early learning success. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I enjoyed this thought-provoking article on the best tablets for kids and when to introduce tablets. The child-rearing environment has certainly changed dramatically and I find myself dealing with some of these questions as a grandparent. I was pleased to see that parental controls could limit access and time spent on the device.
Tablets offer some extremely engaging educational software that I think is beneficial to preschoolers. However, the idea of a preschooler accessing the Internet is frightening. I’m also of the opinion that children need physical exercise for good health (far more than most children get today) so I’m a firm believer in limiting the use of electronic devices. Controls might work to create structure without battles. Thanks for the info!
Thank you, Linda, for your very well thought and engaging comments within our fun learning devices blog, on the What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are the true formula for the success of our site in every way. I could not agree with you more in regards to our children’s safety and other physical activities they need to stay active, please remember that these fun learning tablet’s that are designed for the learning experience, will only let your child engage within the appropriate content only. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I am one of the old schoolers, that believe that a child should not access or own any form of electronic gadget until they are fully grown. I used to be of the opinion that they should be bought bikes instead.
But, since I started visiting your blog more often, I have been enlightened on the paramount importance of letting your child own a tablet that aids learning.
The benefits are great and shouldn’t be missed by old schools parents like me.
Thank you again, Peace, for your great comments within our What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are the mainstream of the ongoing effective development of our site, in so many ways. It has been a true pleasure to have been able to aid you with the most beneficial content on the relevance of fun learning tablets, for our child’s mainstream effective learning platform. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hello Jack, as usual, you have put everything in black and white for any parent to understand. Thanks for the series on kids educative/learning tablets. from your numerous articles, I am on the right track with my daughter with respect to getting her just what she needed to learn in a fun way with her tablet. This piece is not an exception! I learned from it all the necessary features to Create my daughter’s Dynamic & Social Fun Learning Experience.
thanks for always thinking about our kids
Thank you again, jaykaynigltd. for your ongoing intervention, and insight within our fun learning devices post, as they are a true asset for our growth in all areas of our site. I really appreciate your ongoing engagement, as you have become a true asset to the elevation of our site, it is also great to hear how beneficial our content has been for your daughters early learning engagment with a fun learning tablet. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I appreciate this informative and thought-provoking piece. Kids differ, so also their awareness, I think at age 4, a child should be able to handle a tablet in a better way compared to when he is 2 and below. Technology stays and parents need to encourage their kids in this line, however, we need n’t fail in our duty to minimize their exposure to the vices that come with tech by enforcing parental control. In addition, tech gadgets like you mentioned should not replace interaction and socialization among kids as the trend is in this age. Kids must be allowed to play and have fun both with their tech gadget and friends.
Thank you again, Tolu, for your very engaging comments within our Fun learning devices blog, as you have become a true asset to the growth of our site in so many different ways. It is always a pleasure Tolu, to hear of your agreements and further insight within our fun learning tablet poets. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Andy Zeus Anderson
My kids started using tablets around ages 3 and 4 to and have done really well in social circles. They are better at making friends and building strong relationships than many of my family members including me at their ages. Technology is a must in today’s life and being a top social networking personality can open so many doors and those include learning. Thanks for a great post.
Thank you, Andy, For your ever so important comments within our children’s fun learning blog, on the What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are so necessary, for the ongoing development of the ongoing growth of our site. It is so encouraging hearing your testimonies on how social your kids have become, even when they have utilized fun learning tablet’s, obviously they have used them correctly, with your ongoing intervention, that sure beats down, all of the old excuses of the damaging effects these devices will have on our kids social skills. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
It’s a sign of the times and kids now have to grow up being tech savvy. That’s not to say they can’t still spend time playing outdoors too.
We bought our daughter a Leap Pad when she turned four. It was the best investment ever and kept her busy and entertained on long car trips as well as at friends houses when there were no other children to play with. It also taught her a lot and helped get her school ready, as all the games are very educational.
Thank you always, Michel, for your amazing and ongoing intervention within our children’ fun learning devices blog, as followers like you are a true establishment of the growth of our site in so many ways. I am so pleased to hear of your testimony on these LeapPad tablet’s, and how you feel we should handle our children’s time with them. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I really appreciate the great information that this article is relaying to the parents. Yes, I agreed on the fact that We lived in times where you can leave our parental tasks to technology. But, as much as you feel relieved of the burden of going through your kids’ academic and social progress daily, we ask one big question. Does tech affect your child’s development? Of course, the article had actually explained and enlighten us on this. But my opinion is that of all the suggested solutions, I will like that the best kid tablet free internet use should be gotten for our kids at home to caution them from the corruption and social vices on the internet. Thanks, wish to see more of this discussion in articles here.
Thank you always Topazdude, for your ongoing intervention within our children’s fun learning devices blog, as they are the true mainstream of the growth of our site in so many relevant factors. It always a true blessing to hear of your agreements, and suggestions within our learning blog. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hi Jack,
I have to agree with you. I have brought up two boys, now both teenagers, in the age of electronic personal devices. It is a fine balancing act to get it right. For most busy parents (myself included) it is easier to give in to the kids and let them be ‘entertained’ and quiet, with their devices.
On the other hand, their social skills are not anywhere close to how I grew up. But, hey! Who am I to say in this new digital age what skills will benefit them the most in their future. I grew up in a different age. With free-reign to read and read and view material that in the past we could veto. It is not so easy to do that now.
I have learned to talk to my boys more and try and guide them as to what is ok and what is not ok to search, read and view online. In the main, they are doing ok.
Best wishes,
Thank you, Paul, for your very engaging and important comments within our children’s fun leaning devices post, as they are the paramount foundation of the growth of our site and my personal knowledge. it is always a true pleasure to hear the caliper of comments like these and your personal insight into the benefits of these fun learning tablets. No doubt you have given me a truly effective piece of knowledge. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hello Jack,
I really applaud you for this brilliant post I just finished reading , initially I do argue a lot with my friends, on how I won’t expose my kids to use of electronics at an early age, because of my past experience but after reading your article, I realize I have been wrong all this while . Your post has been able to enlighten me more and even change my initial impression towards it. Right now I am ready to give my kids the maximum support I can render as a mother and expose them to the use of these technology appliances that can definitely enhance their academic performance.
Thanks for the beautiful write up.
Thank you, Labulo, for your very important and engaging comments within our What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are critical for the ongoing development of our children’s fun learning devices blog, in so many different aspects. I am always pleased to hear when parents began to see the lite, with these fun learning tablets when used correctly, and when we are engaging them, for their most relevant early learning success. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hi Jack,
I enjoyed this thought-provoking article on the best tablets for kids and when to introduce tablets. The child-rearing environment has certainly changed dramatically and I find myself dealing with some of these questions as a grandparent. I was pleased to see that parental controls could limit access and time spent on the device.
Tablets offer some extremely engaging educational software that I think is beneficial to preschoolers. However, the idea of a preschooler accessing the Internet is frightening. I’m also of the opinion that children need physical exercise for good health (far more than most children get today) so I’m a firm believer in limiting the use of electronic devices. Controls might work to create structure without battles. Thanks for the info!
Thank you, Linda, for your very well thought and engaging comments within our fun learning devices blog, on the What Best Kid’s Tablet post, as they are the true formula for the success of our site in every way. I could not agree with you more in regards to our children’s safety and other physical activities they need to stay active, please remember that these fun learning tablet’s that are designed for the learning experience, will only let your child engage within the appropriate content only. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack