Which Tablet Reviews The Apple iPad Mini, Samsung Mini, LeapFrog, Dragon Touch & Amazon Fire HD Tablets
Revealed: Which Tablet Review’s Will be Conclusive to Academic Head-Start?
How does it feel seeing your child excel with a fun learning tablet? Technology is finding a way into education. At one point, it was discrete to adults. However, it has come down in favor of our children.
Nevertheless, find the best tablet for your children’s academic head-start. Building a strong foundation requires a better approach than persuading them to read. Are you seeking your child’s’ academic head start? This tablet review will be conclusive in your plan. Various tablets will sharpen your child’s academic progress. Here is all you need to know!

Amazon Fire HD 8
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 9.0 out of 10
- It’s the most affordable fun learning device with many special offers.
- The display is excellent for age-appropriate use.
- It has the best color accuracy
- The device has a surprisingly balanced sound.
- Its front-facing camera has a magnificent view of superb video calls.
• Amazon Fire HD 8 2018 has a slower processor.
• It doesn’t support YouTube.
When it comes to creativity, Amazon is blowing at the highest level. Enjoy Amazon Fire HD 8 that is more advanced than the previous versions. Its pricing is incredible. This tablet is perfect for joyful learning by our children.
It is an easy-to-use tablet that allows customization of Android apps and materials.
Amazon Fire HD 8 2018 has a fantastic design of Alexa on board. Explore the feature that enables our children to access original content such as videos, Netflix, and games.
Plus, it is excellent for web surfing, music as well as video-chatting. Do you want your child to enjoy an engaging fun learning process? Amazon Fire HD 8 2018 comes with many special offers that ensure your child’s endless fun.
However, is it worth your budget?
The Fire HD 8 is evolving to its best. Find an elegant design that is screaming cheap and of high quality. Contrary to the other learning devices, the Fire HD 8 offers a perfect appearance that catches our children’s attention. That makes them asking for more technology.
Its color is unique. The Fire HD 8 has a wide choice of colors. From neon yellow to red, your child will have a fun learning tablet that will double the confidence.
Amazon Fire HD 8 has a rear-facing camera. Find the best of it with a clear resolution and eye-catching features. It has a perfect size with an excellent feel.
It is easy to use.
While some devices are difficult to set, Amazon Fire HD 8 has become more comfortable. Watch your kids’ celebrate the charging port, headphone jack, volume rocker, and power button placed at the top of the device. Each of the features has a unique function. The power button comes while set to ensure that Fire HD 8 takes 7 seconds to reboot— to power on the device.

Dragon Touch
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.4 out of 10
- It prides on unbeatable performances.
- Dragon Touch has a brilliant display.
- It enjoys multiple functions.
- It offers unlimited entertainment.
- It’s a tablet with features that are complicated for our children below two years.
Technology is growing fast. It is changing from one time using to all-in-one fun learning. Our children are enjoying the all-inclusive offers on improved digital learning. What then is special about the Dragon Touch tablet?
It has an unbeatable performance:
Learning with Dragon Touch makes education fantastic. This fun learning tablet features a quite powerful design.
Discover the fullest experience with the Dragon Touch tablet. It enables your child to play games, watch videos, and listen to excellent music. Are you worried that your child will access worrying content? Dragon Touch offers approved materials only. It allows your child to stream with the fastest connectivity.
Brilliant display. Is your child having a challenging experience with seeing? Capture the best moment of education with Dragon Touch powered by the Smart Color technology.
It’s a tablet that knows no challenge. Crash all drawbacks with a high-resolution device. Entertain your child through the fun learning experience on a more enjoyable tablet. Allow them to turn their devices 178-degree without worry. What about the unique, accurate, and responsive multi-touch technology that will make your child happy and celebrating.

Amazon HD 10 Kids Edition
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.6 out of 10
- Amazon HD 10 Kids Edition is cost-effective.
- It comes with easy to use parental control.
- This tablet has an overwhelming display.
- This tablet has an unclear camera.
Amazon HD 10 Kids edition saves up to $119 of your budget. It comes with a one year Amazon Free-Time access to premium content. It comes with a Kid-Proof case, as well the worry-free 2-year glitch-free guarantee.
Are your planning to add taste to your child’s learning experience? Do you want to flavor every level with a strong background? Blend your child’s education with a tablet that combines both Spanish and English. Set your favorite language and let your kids enjoy learning on the go.
Let your children enjoy their fun learning experience with 1000+ eBooks, games, and movies. Help them choose their best Spanish and English set apps. These among others include Sesame, Diego, Dora, and Frozen.
What can you do with the most massive display for your child’s interactive devices? With 2000000+ pixels, combine your child’s learning and gaming while turning the impossible into their most excellent experiences.
Select and add more fun learning content to your children’s device. Guide them to navigate through Free-Time. Let them enjoy their learning with apps in the library. These include engaging Netflix, interactive YouTube, and mind-blowing Minecraft.

LeapPad Ultra
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.7 out of 10
- It comes designed ready for your kid’s learning experience.
- It offers the best library.
- LeapPad ultra has excellent filters and more amazing effects that enhance better learning engagement.
- It comes with enough storage capacity. That makes fun endless for it stores unlimited content.
- It is not entertaining for 18+ years old children.
LeapPad Ultra comes with complete features built for your child. It is a 100% kid-perfect tablet. LeapPad Ultra comes with an incredible design of a 7-inch screen. It has a kid’s safe Wi-Fi with 800+ educator-based and fun learning apps.
It comes with excellent games and explorer cartridges.
Draw, play, and write on LeapPad ultra 7-inch hi-res screen. It is a tablet with the lightest casing and display that is responsive to a simple touch. It has engaging features that make it possible for stylus play.
Capture their world in two ways. It has both front-and-back cameras besides video recorders.
Add the newest effects and filters with Photo Fun Ultra as well. Create crisp and colorful masterpieces with the enhanced Ultra app.

LeapPad Ultimate
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.4 out of 10
• It is excellent for preparing preschoolers besides kindergarteners
• It is a durable device with kid-safe features.
• It is more affordable than previous versions. It comes with $100 worth of learning apps.
• It has a kid-friendly web browser that offers access to pre-selected age-acceptable websites.
- It is fun-based. So, it restricts that you set the parental control for your child.
What is unique about this tablet? It comes with learning, music, creative, and gaming apps.
Introduce your child to the best just-for-me technology that comes in various games. Personalize your kids’ experience while they adapt to the current curriculum. Keep them engaged and motivated while they steam seamlessly with the LeapPad ultimate.
As the best-rated tablet, LeapPad ultimate comes with kid-safe content designed for specific websites favorite for age-specific levels.
It also has a built-in bumper case that protects the case from spills and drops. Besides, LeapPad ultimate has a shatter-safe screen that adds resistance to spills and drops.
Are you looking for a worry-free learning process that will guarantee your child happiness? LeapPad ultimate comes with a perfect choice of content and parental control that guides its access. Are you seeking your child’s’ academic head start? This tablet review will be conclusive. So, you will not be worried about your child’s well-being.
The parental control functions have strict aims: It restricts your child from accessing unapproved materials. Plus, it limits your child from excessive gaming.

LeapFrog LeapPad 3 Tablet
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.1 out of 10
- It is a high-performance Wi-Fi tablet.
- It comes with a shatter-safe screen for longevity.
- It comes with a top-rated Strong parental control feature to fine-tune your child’s experience.
- It kid-tough as well as drop-tested.
- It is has a lighter casing hence requires the housing at all times.
Leapfrog-LeapPad 3 is the perfect tablet for that. Excite your child with unlimited fun and learning content. Discover the thrilling adventure that is best for Leapfrog-LeapPad 3.
This high-performing tablet has a Wi-Fi that is fast and powerful. Its processor is sleek in design that suits your child at age 2-10 years old perfectly.
The device features a 5-inch capacitive touchscreen that is responsive to your child’s lightest touch. It comes with a web browser that serves age-appropriate content only.
Leapfrog-LeapPad 3 is built to last. It is kid-tough as well as drop-tested to guarantee a worry-less experience. The tablet has access to the unique learning library. The library comes preloaded with 10000+ eBooks, educational games as well as videos. They adapt to your child’s learning at every level. That is why Leapfrog-LeapPad 3 grows with your child.
Watch your children grow as you fine-tune the parental control for their devices. It gives them a perfect joy growing experience in a smart and protected way.
LeapPad Academy
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 7.9 out of 10
- It Guarantees a create-and-play interaction.
- It has age selected content only.
- It has the first Android-powered apps.
- It’s addictive playing without the parental control for this device.
LeapPad Academy comes ready for the specific experience. It offers features that open opportunities to explore. Watch your child click, learn, and play right from the 7-inch screen.
Ignite your child’s endless experience with a creative and fun learning process. LeapPad epic 7 is perfect for 3-9 years old.
While exciting them with a virtual world of tranquility, introduce your children to educator-approved content. LeapPad epic 7 manages what your child plays and enjoys while learning. It has best-in-class features that allow up to 3 profiles.
The tablet comes with the just-for-me technology that customizes your child’s learning process. Challenge them with a fun-filled tablet that makes all experiences possible.
Dive into a series of kid-favorite apps and world-class web browsers. The browser comes with kids’ safe content that transforms your child right on the go.

LeapPad Epic Academy Edition
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 7.7 out of 10
- Guarantee access to the most desired Leapfrog Academy edition.
- It comes with the best kids’ safe parental control.
- This device has a customizable home screen to enhance your child’s experience.
- It offers free access to the leading leapfrog’s award-winning library.
- Explore, learn, and play with the fun-filled device. LeapPad epic academy edition includes access to the world’s leading kids’ favorite content.
It comes packed with kid-friendly onboard materials. Allow your child to excel with apps, videos, games, and music.
This fun learning tablet comes with top-rated parental control. Therefore, your child will access the specific digital learning guide.
It has a vast selection of the best apps and features. Set the right schedule for your child’s learning process.
This tablet has customizable features and a home screen. Are you seeking your child’s’ academic head start? This tablet review will be conclusive in your search. Therefore, create a fantastic learning experience for your child. It comes designed to develop your child’s learning experience.

LeapPad Explorer 2
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.7 out of 10
- It inspires our kids to imagine and explore.
- This device guarantees more powerful learning experiences from more than 2500 skills.
- It adjusts learning content to each of your children.
- The device has many games. Ensure you update the parental control and control screen time.
Technology is leaving no stone unturned! Here comes the number one fun learning tablet that just got better.
It has a unique design that inspires your kids to imagine and explore all angles with front-and-back cameras. The device comes with a 4 GB of memory that will let your child be happy with fun endlessly. Plus, it comes with a library carrying 325+ apps and materials for learning as well as fun.
Explore this library of 325+ apps and books while you watch your kids enjoy the Leapfrog Explorer cartridges. Allow your child to download apps, innovative writing, music, videos, and creative resources. LeapPad2 Explorer comes with over five apps — Leapfrog Learning Songs, Pet Pad, Art Studio Cartoon Director as well as any additional app of choice.
Capture your child’s world in two different ways. The LeapPad 2 Explorer tablet comes with both front and back cameras and video recorders.
Help them trace, play, and create with their brilliant 5-inch touch screen. Control their actions in games with the motion-based play while they record their voice with the built-in microphone.
Draw from 2500+ skills that will see your child become excellent in a turnaround of days. Personalize every concept through reading, music, art, and language. Customize your kids’ learning through diversified cultural activities, scientific discoveries, geographical exploration as well as mathematics calculations. Plus, introduce and nurture them through a health-oriented lifestyle while they are still young.
LeapPad2 Explorer adjusts every learning idea to suit your child. Ask challenging questions that will enable your children’s skills to develop.
Let them connect to the all free, offline, and online Leapfrog Learning Path. Watch them as they reach out to all learning progress while they share achievements. Also, let them develop their creativity through artwork with the LeapPad2 Explorer tablet.

LeapPad Glo
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.1 out of 10
- It personalizes every learning idea to suit each of your child’s experience.
- It allows you to create a colorful masterpiece in the all-time Art Studio.
- This tablet enables access to your child’s engaging library
- LeapPad Glo is kid-tough.
- Using for children below two years old is difficult.
Spark a new beginning of imagination with the LeapPad Glo learning tablet. It is the best device from the Leapfrog makers. As the number 1 kids’ learning tablet, the LeapPad Glo has a 5-inch screen for ages 2 to 10 years old. It includes nine apps. This fun learning device has 4GB of memory as well as nine apps. The apps come both from the onboard and downloadable levels. It features two cameras and video recorders.
Guide your child to write, play, and draw on the 5-inch touch screen. Tilt and shake to allow your child to enjoy the magic behind the motion-based play. Customize and create the most colorful art in the leading Art Studio.
Personalize your child’s learning process and adjust levels for every right challenge. Is your child having trouble using the tablet? Hit the in-app hint button to give tutorials on the underlying concepts. Help your child gain all the understanding needed to move through the necessary learning levels.
What’s new on the LeapFrog educator-approved library? This library comes with 1,000+ videos, games, eBooks, and
music. It includes the titles drawn from a timeless curriculum of 2,600+ skills. The device content covers core subjects such as science, reading, math, and creativity.
iPad Mini 4
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.8 out of 10
- It is the most portable tablet with light and a seriously thin design.
- It gives advanced optics and improved sensor by two cameras.
- It has fast wireless connectivity with a glitch-free experience.
- iPad mini has powerful built-in apps.
- It is more expensive than ordinary devices. However, it’s worth the budget.
There is more to talk about in regards to the iPad mini than what meets the eye. This fun learning tablet puts fantastic performance with the potential in your child’s hand. It is slimmer and lighter than ever. Discover the high-class experience with the dominant side of the iPad Mini.
Despite being light and thin, the iPad mini takes education in style. It has everything your child needs. Its sleek and portable design makes it fantastic. Let your children enjoy FaceTime calls with their friends while getting all the work done.
With a second-generation chip, the iPad mini has a 64-bit classy design that handles even your child’s most robust experience. While they are editing videos, browsing through photos, or doing both, their experience will be smooth and seamless. Are you seeking your child’s’ academic head start? This tablet review will be conclusive.
Discover the trick underlying the two amazing cameras. It gives advanced optics and improved sensors. Plus, the iPad mini camera has an Apple image signal. That is why it includes handy features such as time-lapse video, panorama, and solo that makes learning fun.
This fun learning device comes with a dedicated front FaceTime HD camera. The camera comes with a redesigned clean sensor for a better experience with low light. It gives vivid images and videos.
While some tablets will be easy to destabilize parental control, iPad mini has advanced security. It settles right at your child’s fun learning experience.
It uses Touch technology that turns your fingerprint into an unforgettable password. Unlock your child’s learning device with a single touch that keeps your data secure and unreachable. Save your content on your child’s iPad Mini and lock it with your fingerprint.
Enjoy fast wireless connectivity with a glitch-free experience. The IPad Mini allows your child to surf through the kid-safe web while downloading fun learning content to watch while offline.
Share fun and safe documents from virtually selected levels. Enjoy the endless joy of watching your child having fun with the Wi-Fi + Cellular model that connects with the fastest cellular data networks.
IPad Mini comes powered by iOS. That’s the most intuitive, advanced, and secure operating system around the world.
Customize your child’s learning process with features and apps such as the Drag and Drop, Dock, multitasking as well as Picture in Picture. That is because iOS lets your child work powerfully.
Learn more about iOS: Here is all you want to know!
IPad mini has powerful built-in apps. These allow your child to enjoy the fun while learning. Also, it comes with a kid-friendly web for timeless surfing. It allows you to check email, edit movies as well as photos. IPad mini-guides your child to write reports and read books. Therefore, whether it is photography, traveling, gaming, or managing their classes, your children will find a unique app that will help them do better.
Let your kids enjoy a colorful experience that matches everything.
The iPad Mini and Smart Cover protects their devices everywhere they take it. It is a perfect fun learning and interactive tablet designed for pairing the Smart Cover. This cover attaches to the front of your kids’ device. That gives advanced protection within a ray of gorgeous colors.
While it is designed to have a significant impact on the fun-filled world, empower your child to learn with enthusiasm.

Samsung Mini Tablet
(Click Here), To See The Latest Prices
Best Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Guarantee: 2 Year Full Warranty
My Rating: 8.2 out of 10
- It offers a kid-friendly experience.
- It has a Specialized Kids’ favorite Interface.
- It comes with an automatic Time Manager that limits the time kids play.
- It is fairly expensive.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 has a kid-friendly design. It comes with Card style applications. They are big and colorful to grab your child’s attention. Introduce your child to a variety of characters that are available. Change them into interactive apps and features for fun.
Be the first to discover a useful and unique parental control for your kids’ safety with Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. Are you seeking your child’s’ academic head start? This tablet review will be conclusive. Manage the apps that your child enjoys accessing and put them under digital time control.
Introduce a time manager that helps build your child’s timing process. Select the favorite apps and list them under parental control. That ensures that your child enjoys the kid-friendly experience.
Capture a world of peace with a creative display that draws your child’s attention. Install the two modes to enjoy using your child’s Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 when your handset glitches.
The Bottom-line
Creativity is admirable. We all wish our children to become creative, innovative, and brilliant. But what will increase our children’s intelligence level?
Are You Ready to Make Your Decision? (Click Here)
This all-inclusive product review on these highly favorable fun learning tablets has been nothing short of a pleasure and growth for me as well to articulate for each and every one of our concerned parents that are seeking to secure the most effective safe and fun learning experience for their children.
Please feel free as always to leave you very valuable and heartfelt comments below for the benefit of all of our amazing guests within this children’s learning Blog.
Another goal of our site is to return all questions within the timeframe of expectations, if this does not occur, I am confident we are seeking more appropriate content to reveal the most beneficial answers. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack Butler, founder of funlearningdevices.com
Seun Afotanju
Technology is indeed the new means of learning, and I think it’s necessary to allow my kids to find a way of learning with technology, I feel lucky that you did put yourself through this stress to bring us these amazing tablets review for our kids. the LeapPad ultimate would be my Best Buy for my kid, it has great features and comes with 100$ worth of learning app.
Thank you Seun, for your wonderful comments within our childrens early learning Blog, as they are so important for the daily growth of this site. I would certainly have to agree with you on the value for the money in regards to LeapPad Ultimate, it is surely an awesome and safe fun learning device, I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I didn’t realize how many tablets were available with kids in mind. This is a really comprehensive review. I think the Leap Frog line will be the most useful to us since it has the shatterproof screen and drop resistant body. My two daughters have a habit of dropping my phone when I let them play on it. They are only 2 and 3. These tablets look like they will teach my girls quite a bit!
Thank you Eric, for your very engaging and heartfely comments within our childrens fun learning Blog, as they are critical for the daily growth of this site n every way, and yes that includes my personal growth as well. The LeapPad tablets offers the most durable and educator endorsed tablets as well, they also have some of the best parental control features on the market. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I wish I had all of these learning tablets when I was younger, I’m jealous! Anyways, I heard a lot about Leappad, most of my friends who have kids always use them and I see them at the store as well. However, the Dragon tough 10 looks promising to me, I can live with the unclear camera. Is it durable? If I get it do I need to buy child protective case? My brother has 2 trolls lol and I want to buy it for my nephews. Awesome reviews 🙂
Thank you, Nuttanee, for your amazing and very engaging comments within our kids tablet reviews, as you well know I am sure just how important they are for the ongoing growth of this website. You would need to buy the protective case seperately, however it would be a good investment. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Teaching kids With technological devices Is the way to go, It is the future; it is also so important that they get used to The internet and computing devices early, this gives them a basic understanding of how things work and at a young age they begin to have insight as to how they can create their own applications, blogs or whatever they are interested in . Waiting too long to start this process would be putting them in the disadvantaged position.
Thank you Zuchii, for your heart felt comments within our childrens learinng Blog, on the tablet reviews post, as you know they are so important for the ongoing development of this website in every way, and that includes me. I have to say I appreciate how you feel in regards to the importance of starting our kids out the right way with these fun learning devices, It is so critical getting them their academic headstart. I hope to hear frm you soon, sincerely, Jack
All great choices for a child’s learning device and some can double as a community tablet for the entire house. The Mini iPad would be a good choice for that.
I was unaware that the LeapPad brand was in the techno game not to mention the many models that they boast. I can remember the Leap name back in the day when it was a push button book kind of device.
I had an Amazon tablet, the one just prior to the fire models and it was a very good tablet with awesome color and response.
Thank you, Paul, for your very engaging and knowledge bearing comments within our childrens learing Blog, on the Tablet review post, as they are so vital for the growth of our site in every way. I always appreciate how effective these posts are for our visitors Paul, I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack