Best Tablets Deals Today on LeapFrog Tablets?
Best Tablet Deal For Our Kids Early Learning Platform
Unlike the miniaturized Smartphone or the advanced and complex laptop, the humble fun learning tablet falls in between the two and performs virtually all that the two can do. The ability for it to be simplified for use among individuals of varying ages has made it a common and popular household gadget.
The ability of these gadgets to combine fun and learning has made them a popular educational tool. Tablets are now getting ever-increasing attention as the next teaching and learning tools, which may transform the learning process.
In fact, some schools have introduced kids’ early learning platforms that solely rely on the use of tablets. Such schools have been able to get the best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platforms from various providers. Before I delve into how you can get the best tablet deals for your young ones’ learning platforms let us take a look at the good impact that tablets may have on your child.
What positive effects can tablets have on your young ones’ learning?
Parents and other stakeholders in the education sector have often raised concerns about the possibility of technological devices distracting the learning process among children.
But recent studies and expert opinions from different quarters have revealed that this popular belief is not entirely true.
This revelation has led to the development of pioneer early learning platforms, which are based on the use of technology. The best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platforms can have various positive impacts on learning, and these include:
• Development of an aptitude for technology
The use of tablets in the early stages of learning helps in the development of essential computer skills. This is practically essential in this tech-savvy generation, where virtually all tasks (work, school, or home-related tasks) demand some level of computer knowledge.

• Learning real-life skills
Allowing your kids to get involved in day-to-day tasks such as looking up directions, checking the weather, and shopping online can be a great way of letting your children develop a sense of purpose. The process also grants them a chance to develop life skills, which can be useful throughout their life.
Stimulation of Learning and Social Development
The fusion of gaming and learning makes some games and apps an interesting way for your child to develop numeracy and literacy skills. Technologies such as video-calling support social interaction, which may build better social skills as it makes it possible for your child to show you or other people the things they want to talk about and in the way that they understand them.
• Development of communication skills
For young children and teens, communicating via online platforms is an important way of building relations and learning proper communication skills and tools. For instance, face-timing and skyping with family and friends can be an ideal way for your child to learn how to use technology to facilitate communication.
Your young ones may not yet be able to communicate by writing and reading, but they are surely full of ideas that they would wish to share. This is a stage in which they may experience frustration because they cannot express themselves well. However, by learning how to properly use tablets, they can get empowered to share their thoughts and ideas. This can be life-changing for children with difficulties in communication.
So How Does The Best Tablet Deal For Our Kids Enhance The Learning Process?
• A rich knowledge base and real-time use in educational instructions

It is virtually impossible for your kids to carry all their textbooks in their backpacks. Fortunately, with a single tablet, your child has access to many e-books, and this compactness of reading material serves as your child’s extensive library.
It is also possible for teachers to give and receive assignments in real-time via online platforms accessible through tablets.
• Foster ease in creating individualized learning
Children have varying abilities to grasp concepts or learn. Some may be fast learners whereas others may be slow learners. Additionally, different children learn effectively using different ways of instruction. For instance, some students learn better when they engage in a practical activity, whereas, others learn better by listening to a lecture rather than reading content on the same subject.
With the use of tablets, you can tailor lessons that teach the same information to students using different methods. This flexibility enables teachers to cater to students with learning disabilities.
The Connection Among All Stakeholders in Education
The use of tablets allows students, parents, and teachers to connect and communicate seamlessly. It is possible to lose a graded assignment paper with comments or a note from the teacher or parent as the child moves between the school and your home.
But with a tablet, the note or graded paper always moves back and forth as the student moves with his tablet. You can thus monitor your children with great ease and the teachers can easily notify you about your kids’ progress.
• An eco-friendly and affordable option to traditional paperback books
Textbooks are costly and they are made from a resource –trees – that is becoming exploited unsustainably. The replacement of outdated versions of books renders the earlier printed books a waste, and this means more paper is needed for each new book release.
E-books provide an effective solution because they are maintained in a compact electronic format that costs less, thus saving the environment from damage. This reduces the overall costs of delivering education to all stakeholders.
LeapFrog LeapPad 3 Fun Learning Tablet, (Click Here)

• Simulated learning
It might be hard to dissect an animal for learning purposes or fly a plane, but simulation games make it easy for students to learn. In fact, simulated learning has been around for a long and it has been used to train pilots, military personnel, and doctors.
By using relevant simulation programs, your kids are able to develop practical skills in a more friendly environment.
Guidelines For The Children’s Use of Tablets
Appealing fun apps and gaming on tablets often attract children, and your kids may take long periods of time on their tablets.
Trying to make your child stop these time-consuming activities, which make them sedentary and at the risk of getting obesity is a challenging task for many parents. In addition, too much gaming prevents the child from engaging in other important activities such as socialization and engagement in physical activity.
Therefore, in order for you to get the best outcomes from your kid’s use of these tablets, you should follow some clear guidelines on tablet use among children. To minimize the possible negative impacts and reap maximum benefits here are a few tips to follow:

• Make the tablets’ use an interactive process where you or the teacher can engage the child in a three-dimensional interactive experience. Language and brain development take place when you engage the child and ask queries about what they do. Relating learned topics to real-life situations through interactions and engaging in a two-way dialogue improves learning.
Where Possible Set Time Limits
Some tablets have timers that can automatically switch off the gadget. You should also limit the kind of material that your child can access. For instance, it is ideal to recommend access to educational material and apps or games, instead of content that does not deliver any lesson.
A study by New York’s Cohen Children’s Medical Center in 2014 showed that children who played non-educational games in the age bracket of 0-3 years had low verbal proficiency scores. This implies that limiting access to the educational material can help your child gain in terms of developing their knowledge instead of just playing on the gadgets for fun.
• Use parental controls to control access to content or even the actual use of the tablet. Some tablets allow online connections that may expose your child to content that is not age-appropriate or they could become victims of cyberbullying.
• Choose tablets and tablet content such as apps and games that are specifically developed for children and for educational purposes. The content you choose should not be too complex or age-inappropriate.
What to consider when looking for the best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platform
LeapPad Epic Academy Edition, Amazon.com, (Click Here)

To get the best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platform here are a few factors that you have to consider so as to get the best out of your purchases:
• Content-richness
Go for tablets with pre-loaded educational content. In addition, choose tablets that offer you the option to upload new content tailored by the makers. This will allow you to update your child’s tablet and make it interesting to use each day.
• User-friendliness
The best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platform should be easy to use. As such, buy tablets that have simple user interfaces, kid-friendly, and simple to navigate so that your child does not have to always seek help from you in order to use the tablet.
• Portability
Your child’s tender hands do not have enough strength to carry around a heavy tablet. Therefore, it is ideal to go for tablets that are light in weight, with appropriate size and shape to fit into the palms of a minor. This improves your kid’s ability to handle and carry the tablet.
LeapFrog-LeapPad 3, Fun Learning Tablet, You-Tube Video
LeapFrog-LeapPad 3, Amazon.com, (Click Here)
• Sturdiness and durability
When purchasing anything for a minor, you have to consider their playfulness and the inability to handle items carefully. Like all children, your young ones are most probably playful, and they can drop or sit on things and even bump them against hard surfaces.
Therefore, to avoid damage, you should buy tablets that have a sturdy structure and thick cover to protect them from damage and enhance lifespan. If you buy one without a cover, at least ensure that you get it a thick and strong wrap-around cover to protect it from damage.
• Connectivity
It is also ideal to select a tablet that is networkable. This will allow your child to connect to the internet and where possible, network with other children and share their learning experiences. Such connections also enable you to connect to online platforms that offer games and content to update your child’s tablet content.
• Internet access and parental controls

Children should not be exposed to cyberbullying or inappropriate content such as graphic images and nudity. Therefore, it is prudent to ensure that the tablet you choose has parental controls that can enable you to control your child’s internet use.
Built-in internet access controls are a perfect feature in solving the access problem, and it is advisable to always purchase tablets with such a feature.
• Who will use the tablet?
If a tablet you choose to buy will be used by children of different ages it is appropriate to buy a tablet that is capable of content adjustment to suit children within different age-brackets.
Where possible, go for tablets with an in-built capacity to alter the content presented to ensure that it is suitable for your child’s understanding depending on the level of proficiency that your kid shows while interacting with the tablet. This will ensure that the tablet is always relevant to each user.
• External and internal software and hardware specifications
A fast-paced processor, long-lasting battery, clear screen with ideal size and resolution, as well as high internal storage capacity are some of the additional factors that you should consider when selecting a tablet. These considerations will ensure that you receive the best tablet deals, for our kids’ early learning platform.
These specifications improve the performance of the tablets that you choose and they determine the level of comfort your child can get when using these devices.
• Price
Various tablet models come with varying features that make them unique in the market space. As a result, manufacturers place varying price tags depending on their capabilities.

Therefore, depending on your needs, you should invest in the most suitable device that is not only cost-effective but also capable of achieving the desired results.
It is important to note that some devices are expensive but come with inferior features that may not be useful to your child. On the other hand, you may get a cheap device that contains incredible features necessary for your kid’s development.
So what should I consider?
Always go for the functionality of the device on sale rather than the price tag
Take Away: Decision lies within you!
Don’t be left behind. The future needs tech-savvy professionals and it is better if your child gets a chance to gain these crucial skills early.
Virtually all aspects of our life need some use of technology and knowledge about it. Whether you are at home or at the workplace, there is always a need to use technological gadgets for various purposes. Equipping your child with the right technical skills using the best tablet deals for our kids’ early learning platform and its amazing possibilities, you can prepare your child for the future.
Seize the moment, go out and get the best tablet deals in the market today, and prepare your loved ones for a future that will be technologically advanced. Isn’t that great?
LeapPad Ultimate, Affordable fun Learning Tablet, (Click Here)
This article has been a pleasure to articulate for the benefit of every viewer to make the best decision for their child’s early academic excellence.
Please feel free as always to leave your valuable comment’s below for everyone to engage and move forward with confidence. Sincerely, Jack
Gadgets are now a common sight not only on children but on adults alike. It has become a social status for some to get hold of the latest gadgets in town. So much so that it has become an obsession for many to own the most expensive device and the top brands to satisfy their obsession. It is good to know that there are so many brands on the market to choose what best suited for our children’s needs and yet affordable.
Thank you OxyBlu for your valuable comments on Best Tablet Deals, For Our Kids’ Early Learning Platform, as you know they are vital for this Blogs growth, certainly, these fun learning tablets play a vital role in our children’s early learning headstart. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Jason Summer
As much as the recent boom in technological advancement has certainly made these kinds of devices and learning programs more accessible and thorough, It is very important to remember the optometrist’s warning when it comes to electronic screens, especially with young, developing eyes.
Spending too much time with your eyes focused on a bright screen only 10″ from the face can cause strain and underdevelopment of the lenses flexibility, which could lead too shortened vision.
As a general rule of thumb, every 20 minutes take 20 seconds to look at something 20′ away.
Thank you for your valuable comment’s on Best Tablet deal’s, For Our Kid’s Early Learning Platform, as they are so important for this site, as well as everyone’s personal Growth, thank you for the advice, as it is very important knowledge to help make the best decision’s for our children. I hope to hear from you soon, Jack