WiFi Tablets Reviews More LeapFrog KidsTablets
Introduction to WiFi Tablet Review’s-LeapFrog Tablets
Knowledge Baring Technology has been at the forefront in almost every sphere of human existence. Be its banking sector, infrastructure, automobile, and telecom, nothing has been left out when it comes to introducing the digital processes. Education has also transformed majorly through smart information technology solutions.
It has been a long time that education and learning have been limited to classroom learning, pencils, books, and other physical material. With the introduction of computers in classrooms and subsequently other e-learning mediums, the way education is being imparted to our kids has completely transformed.
The rich infrastructure including laptops, tablets, and other multi-media technology which has been provided to children has made learning all the more interesting. Besides, the availability of high-speed internet has broken all geographical barriers and has enabled learning even by sitting miles away.

Another major evolution came with touchscreen technologies. for young children, using a mouse and keyboard’s also posed difficulties. But after the introduction of touchscreen technologies, usage has become even simpler, thereby increasing participation in digital learning mediums.
Many companies have introduced tablets for kids which have come a long way with their improved resolution as compared to their earlier low resolution and slow predecessors. These have added to the already evolving digital education and have demonstrated encouraging results in the primary education of kids.
The Cutting Edge LeapFrog Tablets
LeapFrog is a leading company that has introduced a kid-safe learning tablet called the LeapFrogLeapPad tablet. This tablet is poised to become the rage amongst kids with its unique specification and many creative and entertaining features.
Before jumping into its features, I would like to draw your attention to its specifications which makes it a must-have e-learning technology for your kids, with this tablet’s reviews, more knowledge for your best decision, with a LeapFrog tablet.
LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet Specifications
Right out of its packing, the tablet has been made as kids friendly. Its rugged look is completely opposite to the svelteness of an iPhone. The sturdiness of the tablet has been kept since it will be in the realm of our heavy-handed kids. Made with kid’s tuff rubber bumpers, the chance of it being broken by falling has been completely eliminated. In terms of specifications, the tablet is more powerful than it seems from its toy-like look.
In terms of its major specifications, this next generation tablet has a huge multi-touch captive high-resolution screen which offers sharp and crisp graphics. Specially designed for 3-9 years old kids, it has a fast quad-core powerful android processor. Another key feature of this tablet is that it has an inbuilt camera that helps you take pictures and store them in its onboard storage.
Some of the other specifications include a video recording facility, blue-tooth, wireless internet connectivity, stereo jack with a microphone, safe web browsing, accelerometer, and time control.
To ensure that your kids watch the written content, the Leapfrog tablet has parental control for open web access. Through this, most of the unwanted applications and videos are restricted.
Keeping kids engaged most of the time and during journeys is sometimes the most difficult task for parents. This tablet can also solve the issues as it has an inbuilt lithium-ion battery that is safe and can be recharged. Once charged, it will last for about five hours thereby keeping kids engaged for long fun learning sessions, that will enhance productive activity. Most of the kids prefer using tablets during car journeys and the LeapFrog tablet is the instant choice. In-built features
The Fun Attributes of a Fun Learning Experience

In order to make learning a fun experience for your kids, the LeapFrog-LeapPad-Kids Tablets are preloaded with web content. The tablet requires you to set up a user profile which includes the filling out of details pertaining to our kid’s age, name, educational levels, and what all features each need to access.
Thereby controlling unwanted features, applications, games, and wireless connectivity from your kids.
One of the major issues that parents face is that kids remain glued to their gadgets and forget to take part in other outdoor activities. To provide a solution, Leapfrog has given a time setting feature which allows you to set up time restrictions in order to determine how long you want your kids to use this tablet every day. A parental lock code can also be set, to change the time setting each day.
In order to cater to the different aged kids, the LeapFrogLeapPad comes in different varieties offering loads of fun learning features. These include the LeapPadUltra, LeapPadPlatimun, LeapPad Epic, and leapPadUtimate. For ease in deciding which one to buy, the major features of these variants have been explained in depth below.

LeapPad Ultra
(Click Here), For The Latest Prices
Best Place To Buy: Amazon.com
My Ratings: 4.3 of 5 Stars
Warranty: See Manufacturer
LeapPad Ultra is the latest of all the LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ tablets. It is suitable for a 4-9-year-old demographic and comes in a 5 inch TFT touch display of 1024 by 600 high resolution.
As it is mostly used by kids, the power and home buttons on the sides are made of a durable finish to give it more traction. The tablet has been tested for breakage several times and ensures high durability.
Several educational and entertaining features are inbuilt into this tablet. For instance, it has preloaded 11 applications and comes with a library of 800+ games and applications which can be downloaded to provide maximum hours of entertainment.
To enhance the artistic skills of kids, it provides the option of making over 14,000 art pieces. Both right and left-handed kids can use the tablet which can save video recordings for over 1,000 minutes. With its 8 GB onboard memory, kids can save up to 60000 pictures.
To ensure the kids are accessing safe sites, the company has websafe wifi called Zui. This proprietary software allows browsing of only websafe search websites and videos which are approved by LeapFrog experts.
Another key feature is that it allows the parents to check the checking progress of the child who is using the tablet.
Some of the learning application’s that LeapPad Ultra support includes interactive e-books like fairy tales ultra, Kindergarten e-books, Dora the Explorer, and many others. For creativity the tablet supports, Crayola paint studio, Mr. Pencil Carnival creator and Art Studio Ultra, etc. For more entertainment, music can be uploaded onto an Mp3 via your computer.

LeapPad Ultimate
(Click Here), For the Latest Prices
Best Place To Buy: Amazon.com
My Ratings: 4.7 of 5 Stars
Warranty: See Manufacturer
LeapPad Ultimate is another variant of the best educational LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet available today. Designed specifically for kids aged 3 to 9 years, this Ultimate tablet comes with $110 worth of games, applications, and videos. It helps in making your kid ready for preschool and beyond.
As compared to the LeapPad Ultra, it has an even bigger display of 7 inches and is easy to clean using wipes. Through the tablet, the major educational focus is on building the kid’s creative thinking, writing, social skills, reading, and improving mathematics skills. To do this, there is a library of web applications.
For utmost entertainment, cartridge games are the most desirable features through which kids can see their favorite characters. To cater to the specific skill sets of our children, it has an exclusive just for me technology built into each and every application.
Just for Me technology has the ability to access the capability of your child and automatically updates the curriculum based on your child’s ability from less challenging tasks to more challenging levels. This helps in increasing the child’s engagement in these learning applications and avoids monotony. Like LeapPad ultra, this tablet also has parental control features to limit and restrict the kids browsing. This fun learning tablet also provides access to pre-selected websites and sets the time limit for playing.
From an educational point of view, this Platinum tablet has inbuilt e-books, interactive videos, and application’s, some of which include flashcard games and e-books, letters and math bundle, a learning game called Human Body: Captain Plasma’s Adventure, Kindergarten reading, and science bundle among many others which can be purchased from the app store.

LeapPad Epic Academy Edition
(Click Here), For The Latest Prices
Best Place To Buy: Amazon.com
My Ratings: 4.4 of 5 Stars
Warranty: See Manufacturer
LeapPad Epic Academy Edition is one of a kind LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet that assists your child in learning, as it has a customizable home screen which means it can be customized according to different age groups.
Since no two brains are alike, this educational tablet is adaptable for three age ranges including 3-4, 5-6, and 7 years plus thereby providing multiple profiles.
A child can determine which applications he or she wants to see on a regular basis and those can be added to the home screen. The playable 7-inch home screen allows a total of six such applications to be changed in addition to changing their color or animation.
To provide an interactive experience of learning to your kids, it provides the option of decorating by using animal stickers and other animal-themed cars, characters, and weather events.
Moreover, the tablet has a real-time clock and a weather update. To foster growth and creative thinking, the tablet supports a lot of games and videos some of which include the math circus, bubble guppies, intellijoy kids puzzle, discovery education of animals, etc.
This LeapPad Epic comes in another version specifically designed for academics i.e. LeapPad Academics. This tablet is loaded with e-books, apps, videos, and games. A number of applications are designed to improve the reading writing, mathematical reasoning, creative expression, coding skills of your child. Besides, to engage kids for longer fun learning experiences, it offers visual puzzle games, spelling, and counting games.
LeapFrog LeapPad Academy
(Click Here), For The Latest Prices
Best Place To Buy: Amazon.com
My Ratings: 4.2 of 5 Stars
Warranty: See Manufacturer
Unlike other tablets, LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet Academy supports a sleek, lightweight, and kids friendly body. It is mainly designed for kids aged between 3-9 and comes with several pre-loaded games and demos.
A total of six demos comes with the tablet and an imaginary demo is one of them, which gives its user a taste of what lies ahead if you buy the entire set. Its 7-inch screen supports a high-resolution graphics 1024* 600, which is more than any other LeapFrog tablet.
A cloak, calculator, camera application with front and back capabilities are inbuilt in the tablet. The battery can be charged using a bundled charger or through the USB port. Some of the popular games like Nickelodeon and Disney can be found in the app store and many others in which can be downloaded.
When it comes to learning of the apps, though the tablet does not have one inbuilt, at the same time provide’s a myriad of learning options like coloring games, reading, and writing games.
Why Choose LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet
Your knowledge will continue to grow, as you move forward within this tablet’s review’s, LeapFrog, for more knowledge for the best decision.
With many tablets on offer in the market, parents are always in a dilemma over which one to choose. So, here we provide a comparison with some of the popular brands like Apple.
Cheap: As compared to Apple’s iPad, these LeapPad’s are relatively less costly and can be purchased anywhere between $ 100 to $ 125. This learning app is the greatest cheap alternative to the iPad.
Durable: LeapPad is specially designed for keeping in mind the kid’s rough handling. Its rugged body is break-resistant and one we will never regret investing money into. On the other hand, iPads are mostly used by adults and are highly sensitive to breakage. Besides, LeapFrog is characterized by big bold buttons, a large display, and easy to use interface which makes it even more desirable for kids.
Game Price: From a parent’s point of view, ��buying game cartridges on a LeapPad might cost about $ 24. Some of the games are even more expensive. For instance, a kid’s Disney interactive book costs is about $6. Whereas that is on an iPad, most of the games come for free. Therefore, game pricing becomes a major deal-breaker for iPad mini. Nevertheless, LeapPad despite charging high for its cartridges ensure high quality and visual delight for kids.
Number of Games: The number of games available in LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet is less than an iPad. The number of amazing games on an iPad far outnumbers that of LeapPad. Moreover, there are far more character-based games that the child might relate with rather than just any other animated character. The number of e-books, videos, and games that a LeapPad provides is pricier than the iPad.
Fun for the Kids, no supervision that is required: Unlike iPad which is, therefore, very costly and is easily breakable, parents usually keep it out of the reach of their children. Whereas LeapPad is specially designed for the kids and then they might consider it as their own gadget. Kids will not have to cage it from their mom and dad as fortunately, even if it falls it won’t break. Thereby, making it even more fun for kids and parents too, as no supervision is required.
Battery Life- Unlike Ipad, Leapfrog’s lithium-ion batteries are best when it comes to their reliability. They keep ongoing for over 5 hours. As a result, they are considered best for traveling and long journeys.
Filter on applications– In iPad, applications are purchased using their genre. However, as LeapFrog is made keeping in mind kid’s specifications, the applications can be purchased using the app store by outing filters with respect to your child’s skills, age, category, and bestseller.
Discounts on applications- It sometimes can be seen that LeapFrog offers discounts and sales on some of the preselected applications which is an additional perk that one might get if you buy a LeapPad tablet. These discounts are usually not found on Ipad or any other tablets.
Avoid Nasty Adverts- There is an increasing amount of intrusion from irrelevant adverts that pop up if you open an app store on an Ipad or in any other device. Some intrusions are eliminated from LeapFrog and there won’t be any nasty adverts on the LeapFrog app store.
Parental Control: It is often said that technology has brought with it very many cons. However, controlling your child’s expanse in terms of what he or she is watching and browsing is an effective way of keeping your child away from the unwanted clutter. This additional feature rarely found in any other applications which is why LeapFrogLeapPad-Kids’ Tablet is a must-have if you are looking for a child-centric tablet.
Applications according to child’s ability: The exclusive just for me technology which is on offer under LeapPad Ultimate is one of the greatest features of all time. Judging the kid’s ability and upgrading levels of games accordingly helps in making the tablet even more interesting. Moreover, it will enhance the skill set related to creativity a lot more.
LeapFrog LeapPad 3, Fun Learning Tablet
LeapFrog LeapPad 3, Amazon.Com, (Click Here)
In Conclusion With, Wifi Tablet Reviews More LeapFrog Tablets
The several benefits and the perks, that are being provided by the LeapFrog-LeapPad-Kids’ Tablet are laudable. It can be said with great confidence, that the tablet has largely catered to children and has made a big impact in the way learning is being imparted. It is one of the best educational platforms for our kids to grow and evolve within their fun learning environment. Despite the only fact, that the applications are a bit pricey, all other benefits that are on offer outnumber the con that it might have.
The applications which are specifically chosen by experts for kids ensure a wall against any unwanted applications. Moreover, age-specific games and applications make more sense and help build parent’s confidence in the tablet. The cheap price at which the tablets are on offer and their durability goes hand in hand making it one of the must-have tablets for all parents. All of the LeapPad varieties are easily available and can be purchased through this website.
Are You Ready To Make Your Decision? (Click Here)
This product review on the tablet review’s LeapFrog has been a true pleasure articulating for the benefit and knowledge for all of our viewers to obtain the knowledge that they are seeking for the benefit of their children’s early educational headstart.
Please feel free to leave your valuable comment’s below for our viewers, as well as me to continue to grow from all of the avenues of wisdom. Sincerely, Jack Butler, founder funlearningdevices.com
It is great to see an article/product review that was so engaging for myself and my wife, the content was nicely laid out and the pictures and videos, added a great touch, once again thank you for the great content, sincerely. Bill
Thank you again bill, for your engaging comment’s on Tablet’s review’s-LeapFrog, as they are so vital to the growth of our website, and all of our visitor’s as well, sincerely, Jack
Great Article on the Leapfrog Tablet. I wish we had these back when I was in school. Personally, I loved getting my hand on any sort of technology and find it more engaging than traditional mediums. Whats your opinion on Kids using IPads? Fun fact Steve Jobs wouldn’t allow his kid to use Ipads
Thank you for your great comment’s on Tablets’ Reviews’-LeapFrog, they are a great way to engage with our viewer’s, I certainly believe the LeapPad family has the best and safest overall product’s out there today. The I pads are fine, considering the price is certainly more costly, I would consider it for an older child, that have proven themselves with the obedience that has been instilled in them by you. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I have a 3-year-old daughter and she LOVES the leapfrog epic. She has access to a ton of learning games, and I love that it is all specifically made for kids. So she doesn’t have access to any explicit content, which is what really sets it apart from other tablets including the popular iPad. I love the parental controls. The battery life is pretty great, last long, and the best part was that my daughter really learned SO much from this tablet and the applications it offers. I would recommend it to other parents.
Thank you WomensGlobalVA, for you very important and engaging comments on Tablet’s Review, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog, as they are extremely beneficial for the continuous growth of this Blog. It is very encouraging to hear your testimony on the benefits in the most effective manner of these fun learning tablets. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
BEazzy Shifts
Hello there. Of a truth, the usage of these devices has become easier with touch screens. I find it more convenient to work on my phone than with my laptop that not touchscreen. For our kids, technology has made the learning process more fun and smarter. Leapfrog has done well. The price is quite Cheap for such a Value. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you BEazzy, for your very important comments on Tablet’s Reviews, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog, as they are so very crucial for the development of this site. It is always pleasing to hear these great thoughts and testimonies about these fun learning tablets. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hi Jack
I think I landed on this review just at the right time because I have a lovely granddaughter who will turn three in a few months time. I think this will be a great gift for her on her third birthday, she can have fun with it and learn at the same time.
Thanks for this nice article and review on the Leapfrog Tablet.
Thank you, Nicholas, for your very important and engaging comments on Tablet’s Reviews, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog, as they are so very important for the ongoing development of this Blog. I am very pleased to hear of the great timing to enhance your child’s early learning experience. i hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Jag Randa
This was a great review. I have a little granddaughter who may enjoy getting one for Christmas. Which one of these would you say would most benefit a 5-year-old child? She is a very curious little girl, so definitely parental control would be on at all times. How long do they take to arrive once ordered?
Thank you Jag, for your very important and engaging comments on Tablet Review’s, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog. It is so pleasing to hear your agreements with these LeapPad products, I Would probably recommend the LeapFrog-LeapPad 3, or perhaps the LeapPad epic 7, Android-based fun learning tablet. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
I got my kids the very early version of Leap pad the one with books and I really think that it did help my son that was struggling with his reading skills. These days it is good and bad I suppose, it is a learning tool but it is also another screen for the kids to be on rather than outside playing in the real world.
I like that, they do have the parental controls that let the parents set a time limit and that also helps the kids realize that they need to enjoy the outdoors as well. Get the fingers dirty in the sandbox.
My children are now grown but I will watch how leap pad evolves when it is time for the grandkids.
Thank you, Monika, for your important and very engaging comments on Tablet Reviews, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog, as they are crucial for the ongoing development of this Blog. I always love to hear how LeapPad products have helped our children with their academic needs, I believe very strongly that our intervention will constitute the outcomes of our children’s experience with these early learning tablet’s whether it be positive or negative. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Laura Endahl
Awesome article. I had bought LeapFrog years ago for our girls. I’m glad to see that they’re still around. I enjoyed reading your information and the pictures captured your enjoyment in writing this article.
I agree with the above commenter, I wish they had these when I was a kid. I’ve always been a way better learner hands-on,Laura
Thank you, Laura , for your very important and engaging comments on Tablet Review’s, More Knowledge For Your Best Decision, LeapFrog, as they are so vital for the ongoing growth of our website. It is so pleasing to hear your testimony of the importance of this technology for our children’s fun learning experience, as well as your favors on the dialogue of pics within this post. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack